Privacy Policy

Gaia Energy Privacy Policy

Gaia Energy SRL has been constantly committed to protecting the privacy of those who access or interact with its structure.

On April 27th 2016, the European Commission presented a Regulation updating the legislation of the protection of individuals with regard to the handling of personal data and the free circulation of such data.

In compliance with EU Reg. 679/2016, the company prepared a summary document and a register of treatments complying with Article 30. Its purpose is to track the company activities, explain how personal data is acquired and/or used for the provision of the services rendered, in order to allow all parties involved to give full and informed consent.

For all different uses, specific information is described as prescribed by art. 13 of the EU Regulation 2016/679. The information and data provided are treated in compliance with the provisions of the Regulation and with the confidentiality obligations that characterize the activities of Gaia Energy SRL. All data handling carried out by Gaia Energy SRL is based on principles of lawfulness, correctness, transparency, limitations of purpose and retention, data minimization, accuracy, integrity and confidentiality.

The data controller is Gaia Energy SRL in the person of its pro tempore legal representative and can be contacted at the headquarters in Gricignano di Aversa at via Ferrovie dello Stato, snc or at the email address

Gaia Energy privacy policy: Privacy Policy information


Legal area manager

Attorney Marianna QUARANTA

Telephone: +39 081.833.45.10


Certified email: