Why choose an ESCO to build your system?

ESCO interventions are solutions to improve energy efficiency, offered by companies that make a profit only if the operation is truly convenient for everyone.

This kind of service normally applies to large companies that build and manage only important energy saving projects.

Gaia Energy is the first ESCO that offers its services to small and medium enterprises and individuals, through the application of the ZEROCASH® METHOD, a formula that combines specific services and guarantees, in order to provide energy efficiency solutions to everyone, the most convenient conditions and requires no investment by the end customer.

If you want to save safely while avoiding initial investments, you will find it most convenient to choose an ESCO as your partner in the project.

Gaia Energy is the ESCO that created the ZEROCASH® METHOD,
which is a solution that combines specific services and guarantees small and medium-sized enterprises
the most convenient photovoltaic system without any investments.

Gaia Energy allows you to obtain all the advantages of a photovoltaic system without spending one single euro, providing the additional assurance that the system will offer the best solution specifically designed for your company.

This is because METODO ZEROCASH® ensures the following guarantees:

1.    Safe savings. The ZEROCASH® METHOD allows you to pay a lower cost of energy compared to that you used to pay to your supplier.

2.    Blocked prices. With ZEROCASH® you can count on the security of a constant price over time, despite the expected growth in market prices.

3.    Top quality. Gaia Energy has every interest in creating the most efficient and profitable system possible, so when building the system, it only installs the best components on the market.

4.    New roof. If the photovoltaic system needs to be put on top of a roof that requires maintenance, Gaia Energy will take upon itself all the costs of the renovation work, which will be quickly carried out in order to make the roof suitable for the installation.

5.    My FTV. At the end of the period during which the system will be managed by the ESCO, you will have the photovoltaic system for yourself, free of charge.

6.    Always together. Throughout the entire life-span of the system, Gaia Energy technicians will guarantee their support and all the maintenance activities necessary to preserve the efficiency of the photovoltaic modules and the system.


If you wonder how Gaia Energy can make a profit, bear in mind that it is all written black on white. In fact, only a transparent approach allows to establish a profitable partnership relation for all parties.

Through building high-performance systems, the energy sale combined with the advantages ensured by the SEU (Efficient User System) legislation guarantees Gaia Energy its returns and the profitability of the operation over time.

This way, the customer and Gaia Energy share the advantages of undertaking the project.

Adhering to the ZEROCASH® METHOD means immediately obtaining a reduction in energy costs, due to the possibility of purchasing the energy produced by the photovoltaic system at a discounted price, without any further investment.

Start now the energy evaluation to understand if your company meets the requirements to host a PV system built with the ZEROCASH® METHOD.




Even outside of ESCO SEU solutions, Gaia Energy helps you find the most suitable solution based on the energy absorption of your company.

The company, in fact, offers  businesses “key in hand” photovoltaic systems, also providing for the purpose a consultant who will follow them throughout the project.

Here are the main phases of a KEY IN HAND PV SYSTEM path:


●     Phase 1 – Systematic, documented and periodic analyses to measure the energy efficiency of the client company. The Energy Audit is the starting point to identify made-to-measure solutions.

●     Phase 2 – Consulting, designed to get access to a subsidized loan, tailored to the company.

●     Phase 3 – Use of the best technologies and the highest quality products to ensure maximum efficiency: the company considerably lowers the bill costs, producing energy and reducing the absorptions from the grid.

●     Phase 4 – Non-stop after-sales assistance. We offer the best possible maintenance to the system, resulting from the partnership with leading companies in the field of renewable energy.

Whatever the photovoltaic system you need may be, the skills of an ESCO like Gaia Energy will allow you to access a service which offers guarantees under many points of view,
starting from the staff’s extreme specialization, the design skills, the management of the systems so that they can always perform at their best, to the ordinary and extraordinary repairs.

With Gaia Energy you can give your company new energy, saving effectively and becoming part of the group of all those virtuous businesses that already have reduced their impact on the environment.

It is a smart way to save and improve your corporate image.

Gaia Energy is a guarantee of real key-in-hand PV systems for companies.

Do you want someone who never lets you down?

Choose Gaia Energy for your key-in-hand PV system!

Contact us now to schedule an appointment with one of our consultants



The efficiency solutions offered with the “operating lease” formula guarantee the client companies a double advantage:

–       No initial investment

–       Immediate tax reduction, as the entire amount paid over the year can be filed as cost.

Choose the operating lease if you are looking for an extra opportunity to take advantage of the benefits of energy efficiency without any activation costs.

Does your roof need renovation?

We take care of everything, including the disposal of asbestos.


Would you like to benefit from the free roof remediation? Request a consultation from our experts right now. You will receive a feasibility report about the entire operation: remediation + photovoltaic system at no cost to your company.

Spontaneous Application



Gaia’s team of consultants is constantly at the customer’s side to find solutions that best meet their needs.

For this reason we offer the Energy Audit or Energy Diagnosis service.

It is a systematic, documented and periodic analysis that measures the energy efficiency of a building. It includes the drafting of an energy certificate, a document whose redaction is disciplined by a series of normatives.

The Energy Audit is the starting point for identifying made-to-measure solutions for each customer, be it a company or a private house, in order to achieve maximum energy efficiency and client satisfaction.



Gaia Energy is the best choice in the world of renewable energy and energy efficiency solutions, because it never leaves its customers to themselves.

Our experts will find the solution that best suits the needs of our client’s company or home. Energy efficiency is our primary goal: that is why we analyze energy consumption, we give advice about how to optimize it, and design tailor-made efficiency measures for our customer.

Those who choose one of our solutions will be supported in the choice of the product, guided during the bureaucratic process, supported while financing the system and accompanied during its maintenance.

Contact us now to schedule an appointment with one of our consultants.

Our Certifications

We have obtained important certifications guaranteeing results for our customers (UNI CEI 11352), energy management (ISO 50001), care for the health and safety of our workers and all parts concerned (ISO 45001), environmental preservation (ISO 14001), effectiveness and efficiency of processes (ISO 9001).


